The Fancy Cats

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The Fancy Cats

Spa Time w/ Klairs Rich Moist Soothing Sheet Mask | K-Beauty

Posted: 13 Aug 2018 11:50 AM PDT

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!

A Klairs está a tornar-se uma das minhas marcas Coreanas favoritas e, desta vez, experimentei uma máscara de tecido calmante e hidratante. É formulada com aloe vera, pantenol, ácido hialurônico e outros ingredientes hidratantes para energizar e hidratar a pele. A Klairs respeita a beleza do ambiente e dos animais, e, como tal, esta é uma máscara vegan (nem todos os produtos da marca o são, mas é uma marca 100% cruelty-free).

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand).

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!
Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!
Cleansed skin before the sheet mask application

Existe algo que diferencia esta máscara de tecido de outras "sheet masks", e isso é o "tencel". Também conhecido como lyoceltencel é uma fibra biodegradável produzida através da fibra da madeira resultante de um processo mais sustentávelPoints for that! O tecido desta máscara é uma mistura de algodão com tencel. Uma mistura que resulta num tecido extremamente macio e confortável na pele.

Para quem?
Todos os tipos de pele, até as mais sensíveis. Recomendado para quem sofre de vermelhidão, para peles que precisam de um equilíbrio de óleo e água (aka é safe para peles oleosas, pois, vai ajudar a controlar o óleo!), para peles cansadas e para peles que necessitam de um reforço de ceramida (ingrediente importante que forma uma camada protetora retendo a hidratação) devido ao enfraquecimento da barreira da pele. É livre de parabenos e álcool.

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!

There is something that differentiates this fabric mask from other sheet masks, and that is the "tencel". Also known as lyocel, tencel is a biodegradable fiber produced through the wood fiber resulting from a more sustainable process. Points for that! The fabric of this mask is a cotton blend with tencel. It results in an extremely soft and comfortable fabric for the skin.

For whom?
All skin types, even the most sensitive. Recommended for those who suffer from redness and irritation, for skins that needs water-oil balance (aka is safe for oily skin as it will help to control the oil!), for easily exhausted skin and for skin that needs to supply ceramide due to weakened skin barriers. (an important ingredient that forms a protective layer retaining hydration). It is free of parabens and alcohol.

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!
Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!

A embalagem traz 25ml, por isso é importante "misturar" o tecido com o liquido antes de remover da embalagem (ainda que o tecido venha extremamente embebido com produto). A máscara vem dividida em duas metades, o que facilita imenso a aplicação. Além disso, é extremamente ajustável. Nota-se bem que é grande no meu rosto, e mesmo assim foi fácil de adaptar. Por isso, será igualmente fácil para pessoas com o rosto maior que o meu.

Como usar:
Depois de limpar/tonificar o rosto, posicionar a máscara. Esperar 15 – 20 minutos e remover gentilmente. Dar ligeiras "batidinhas" para a essência absorver na totalidade.

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!

The packaging contains 25ml, so it is important to "mix" the fabric with the liquid before removing it from the package (even though the fabric is pretty soaked with product). The mask is divided in two parts, which makes the application easier. In addition, it is extremely adjustable. It's noticeable that it is big on my face, and yet it was easy to adapt. So it will be equally easy for people with a bigger face than mine.

How to use:
After cleansing/toning the face, position the mask. Wait 15  20 minutes and remove gently. Give slight taps for the essence to fully absorb.

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!
Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!

Antes de falar da essência em si, e dos meus resultados, quero reforçar o quão maravilhoso o tecido da máscara é! De suavidade extrema, sem dúvida o mais agradável que já experimentei até hoje numa máscara de tecido. Além disso, adoro a preocupação ambiental da marca em torno do produto. A minha pele é mista e, ocasionalmente, sinto que preciso de um reforço no que toca à hidratação (tenho zonas com tendências mais secas do que outras). Ainda que sofra de acne, o facto de um dos principais ingredientes presentes ser aloe vera acalmou-me bastante, pois, é ótimo para o acne e não tive nenhuma reação negativa. A minha pele ficou (e continua a ficar, pois, já usei duas máscaras e ainda tenho algumas em stock!) verdadeiramente hidratada. Não estou de modo algum, a exagerar, é mesmo muito hidratante e calmante na pele. Fiquei com imensa vontade de experimentar os restantes produtos da gama "Rich Moist"! Está aprovada. ✓

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!

Before talking about the essence itself, and my results, I want to reinforce how wonderful the fabric of the mask is! Of extreme softness, undoubtedly the most pleasant I have ever experienced in a fabric mask. In addition, I love the environmental concern Klairs has around this product. My skin is combination and occasionally I feel that I need a boost of hydration. Even though I have acne-prone skin, the fact that one of the main ingredients present is aloe vera has calmed me down a lot since it is great for acne and I have not had any negative reaction. My skin was (and still is, since I've already used two masks and I still have some in stock!) truly moisturized. I am by no means exaggerating, it is so very moisturizing and soothing on the skin. I am also very excited to try the other products of the "Rich Moist" range! Klairs Rich Moist Soothing sheet mask is approved. ✓

Do you like sheet masks? Did you already knew this brand (Klairs)?

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!
Glowing skin after the sheet mask application

Klairs is becoming one of my favorite Korean brands, and this time I tried a soothing and moisturizing sheet mask. It's formulated with aloe vera, panthenol, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients to energize and moisturize the skin. Klairs respects the beauty of the environment and animals, and as such, this is a vegan mask (not all the brand's products are, but this is a 100% cruelty-free brand). Click to read more!
get it on

Cruelty Free: Yes 🐇 / Vegan: Yes 🌱

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