The Fancy Cats

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The Fancy Cats

Mixing Patterns / Camouflage Cami Top & Grid Pants

Posted: 07 Aug 2018 11:57 AM PDT

I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!

Não costumo arriscar muito relativamente ao que visto (já devem ter percebido isso, pelos meus basic looks). Gosto de sentir-me confortável e não costumo fugir aos tons e géneros de roupa com as quais me identifico mais. Ainda que use padrões, raramente faço misturas, e acabo sempre por optar por peças mais "clean", que facilmente combinem entre elas. Recebi algumas peças da Shein com diferentes padrões e pareceu-me a altura perfeita para arriscar.

I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!

I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. I received some Shein pieces with different patterns and it seemed to me the perfect time to try something new.

I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!
I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!

Gosto imenso de ambos os padrões, apenas nunca me tinha passado pela cabeça juntá-los (até os ver juntos). Este cami top, fazia, na verdade, parte de um conjunto de top + calções, mas honestamente não gostei particularmente de como os calções assentam. Já o top gosto muito. O próprio crop já mistura padrões, com as riscas horizontais na parte elástica. Achei bastante original, ainda que o que mais gosto nele seja mesmo o camuflado.

I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!

I like both patterns a lot, I just never thought about mixing them together. This cami top was actually part of a top + shorts set, but I honestly did not particularly like how the shorts fit me. The crop itself already mixes patterns, with the horizontal stripes on the elastic part. I found it quite original, although what I like the most is the camouflage.

I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!
I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!

As calças são atualmente o meu modelo de calças favorito (soltas, de cintura subida, e muito confortáveis), como já estou "farta" de mencionar por aqui. São pretas, e o padrão "em grelha" é o que as tornam especialmente giras. Já tinha estado de olho em vários modelos com este padrão, e foi desta. São 100% de algodão e não é de todo o tecido mais fresco para esta época, ainda que seja tolerável agora que já passou aquela onda de calor horrível que não me deixava respirar.  

I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!

These pants are currently my favorite type of pants (loose, high waisted, and very comfortable), as I mention a lot before here on the blog. They are black, and the grid pattern is what makes them especially cute. I really wanted a pair with this pattern, and this was it. They are 100% cotton and it is not at all the coolest fabric for this weather, although it is tolerable now that the horrible heat wave has passed here in Portugal.

I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!
I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!

Este género de chinelos (aka slides) são o meu novo vício. Já me tinha rendido o ano passado, e este ano comprei mais uns pares. Com este calor só se está bem com o pézinho de fora  e, de preferência, sempre confortável.

O cenário destas fotos é novidade por aqui. Ainda que fotografemos frequentemente nesta zona, nunca nos tínhamos aventurado a fotografar no campo de futebol. Adorei o resultado, e penso que resultou na perfeição com os padrões do conjunto!

Na segunda-feira, eu e a Rute lançámos um sorteio no facebook: são mais de oito prémios! Participem aqui.

I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!

This kind of slipper sandals (aka slides) are my new addiction. I got a pair last summer, and this year I bought a few more. With this heat I can't even think about wearing closed shoes, and most of the days I'm only looking for comfortable shoes. The scenario of these photos is new here. Although we often photograph in this area, we had never ventured to photograph on the football field. I loved the result, and I think it turned out perfectly with the outfit patterns!

Do you like mixing patterns? What do you think of this outfit?

I usually don't take big risks when it comes to what I wear. I like to feel comfortable and I usually don't go much further from the shades and types of clothes with which I identify myself the most. Although I wear patterns, I rarely mix them, and I always end up choosing more basic clothes, which easily combine between them. Click here to read more!

I'm wearing:
Camouflage Cami Top: c/o Shein
Frilled Waist Grid Pants: c/o Shein
Golden Slides: Code

Costumam misturar padrões? Gostam do conjunto e do cenário das fotografias?
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